Mind the network gaps: report

Ben Ramalingam
Overseas Development Institute
London: ODI; Apr. 2011. 20 p.

This report looks at the range of ways networks that are currently thought about and dealt with in the development and humanitarian sectors. After highlighting gaps apparent in the understanding of networks, it then explores different approaches that might help address these.
The paper draws together findings from a light literature review, information from informal discussions and the author’s personal reflections obtained from working on and in networks over a number of years

Mind the network gaps: report

Not everything that connects is a network
Simon Hearn and Enrique Mendizabal

The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: How It Works
Re-elección de los colegas Alicia Ocaso y Víctor Aguirre como miembros de Comités de IFLA 2011-2015